Clinic Capacity and Cleaning
There will only be one physiotherapist working in the clinic – the room will not be shared with the rugby club during this time.
Appointments will be spaced so that there are fifteen minutes between appointments. This will enable time to change PPE and clean all surfaces that have been touched by either the physiotherapist or the patients with alcohol-based spray. This includes any equipment used, plinths, seat handles, door handles, taps and light switches of the treatment room and the toilet if it is used during the patients visit.
The clinic room will be cleaned at the start of each day.
Where possible social distancing of over 2 metre will be enforced e.g. during your subjective assessment.
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE will be worn during your appointment. This is in compliance with current government guidelines:
Non-latex gloves (single use)
Apron (single use)
IIR facemask (sessional use)
Eye protection goggles
Your Agreement with Us
We advise that you continue with virtual sessions unless there is a clinical need to have hands on physiotherapy. In order to establish this, you will be required to have a triage telephone consultation with your physiotherapist and to complete a COVID Risk Assessment Form, before coming into the clinic.
We will only be seeing certain patients who we decide require face to face consultations rather than continuing with virtual physiotherapy. This is in line with the recommendations from our regulatory bodies: The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
We have done everything we can to reduce the risk of ourselves and patients contracting COVID-19. However, if you come for face to face consultation, please be aware that there is no way that we can fully eliminate the risk of you contracting COVID-19.
Please do not come into clinic if either you or one of your household is in one of the higher risk groups including, but not exclusively, those who are immunosuppressed, those with underlying heart or lung conditions.
Please do not come into clinic if either you or one of your household has been symptomatic within the last two weeks. Including, but not exclusively, the following symptoms: fever over 38 degrees, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, head aches, loss of smell/taste or fatigue.
Please do not come in if you have not been following the government guidelines for social distancing. If you are unsure of these please follow this link:
What You Need to do Before, During and After Your Appointment
We ask you to adhere to the following rules. We will terminate your appointment if you do not adhere to these rules and you will still be liable for the cost of the session:
Please fill in and return the COVID-19 Consent Form which will be sent via email before attending your appointment.
Please wear a face mask for the entire time that you are in the building, as per government guidelines. If you do not have a facemask please follow the government guidelines on making your own face cover here:
We will ask you to carefully clean your hands with alcohol-based gel before you enter the clinic.
Please try not to use the toilet if possible.
The doors to the treatment room and clinic will be left open to maximise ventilation except for when they need to be closed for your privacy.
Please make all payments by bank transfer after leaving the clinic rather than paying in the clinic.
If you develop any symptoms in the two weeks following your consultation please notify us immediately.